A webmail application permits you to send and receive messages through a web browser without the need to set up an email inside an app such as Outlook or Thunderbird. When you travel, for instance, it is possible to check your emails from an Internet café and you will not need to download, install or configure anything at all. Webmail apps are advanced enough to provide you with a number of options such as using an address book or making folders that can later come in your e-mail app. As a webmail app works with the messages within the server, it is crucial that you use the IMAP protocol if you set up an email account on your PC. You may still use webmail if you pick POP, but old messages will not be accessible since they will have been downloaded on the computer. You can take advantage of webmail provided that there is any sort of e-mail created with your website hosting account and using an email client before being able to use webmail is not a requirement, so you can handle your electronic communication solely via an Internet browser.

Webmail RoundCube in Cloud Web Hosting

In case you have a Linux cloud web hosting from our company, you can make use of Roundcube, a high level webmail client. You are able to access it through the Hepsia website hosting Control Panel, used to manage the account, or exclusively by typing a URL in your Internet browser and then entering your email and the password for it. You'll be able to open the app using your own URL http://webmail.your-domain.com if the emails are used by a company or a corporation, for instance. Roundcube has practically all the attributes that you could need from an e-mail application and you can conveniently set up unique identities for a certain e-mail, set up and make use of an address book, make folders or HTML signatures, pick the time zone according to what your location is currently, and much more.

Webmail RoundCube in Semi-dedicated Hosting

The semi-dedicated server packages that we offer provide an excellent webmail program known as Roundcube. It could substitute virtually any pc e-mail program given it offers all of the functions that you might need - aside from sending out and receiving messages, you can make folders to arrange your messages, create an address book to manage your contacts quickly, create numerous identities for the same email address or put in a customized HTML signature that can appear automatically in all new emails that you compose. It is possible to access Roundcube either straight via its login web page where you need to type the full email as well as its password, or with the Emails area of your Hepsia Hosting Control Panel, where you can simply click on an e-mail and log in with no need of entering any password. If you like, you may even create a webmail login URL with your domain name and then use it instead of our standard URL.