URL Redirector in Cloud Web Hosting
When you host your sites with our company and you have a cloud web hosting plan, you will be able to use our URL redirection tool to forward the visitors from any domain and subdomain, or from a subfolder under any of them, to an alternative web address. This process takes a few easy steps via an easy-to-use interface, so you can create a redirection even in case you have zero previous experience. You'll only need to pick a domain name or a subdomain through a drop-down list, to pick the folder in which the redirection shall be created (the root folder or a subfolder), and then to type the URL where the website visitors must be redirected to. For more knowledgeable users, there are also options to pick the redirection type (permanent or temporary) and the method (direct or match). Any redirection you set up could be deactivated from the exact same section of the CP, in the event you don't need it anymore.
URL Redirector in Semi-dedicated Hosting
If you create a semi-dedicated server account with us and you want to forward any one of your domains or subdomains, you can benefit from the convenient redirection tool that we have added to our custom Hepsia hosting Control Panel. It will allow you to redirect the website visitors within seconds, since all you will need to do is pick a domain/subdomain and type the Internet address of the other Internet site. The forwarding will take effect very quickly. If you are more advanced, you will be able to modify different options, including the type of the redirection - temporary or permanent, and the method - direct or match. All these options can be changed for any current redirection as well, so you will not have to create a new one if you'd like to change something. You may remove a redirection by clicking on the Delete button associated with it.