One-Hour Response Guarantee in Cloud Web Hosting
In case you’re using any of our Linux cloud web hosting and you’ve got an inquiry or run into some obstacle, you can contact us 24/7 by opening a helpdesk ticket or by sending an email and we guarantee that you’ll get a response in less than an hour. If the issue can be solved, we will do it before we get back to you, while if there’s something that you have to do on your end, we’ll supply you with all the necessary information – what settings to check, what possible solutions to try, etc. Normally, you will get an answer within maximum thirty minutes, so waiting around for hours or even for more than 1 day to get help is something unthinkable. Our 1-hour response guarantee is valid for any enquiry that you may have – technical, general or billing.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
Since we are aware of exactly how crucial it is to obtain quick help, we guarantee that you won’t ever have to wait around for more than 60 minutes to get an answer to any support ticket that you send via your semi-dedicated server CP. The fact is, you’ll rarely have to wait around for more than 20 to 30 minutes and this applies to any inquiry irrespective of what its nature is – billing, technical or general. Additionally, our customer and tech support team will be at your service 24 hours a day, which suggests that even if you submit a ticket during national holidays, you’ll always receive a blazing-fast response, which will contain the answer to a query, the solution to a problem or the info needed to solve an issue yourself – in case there is something that you need to do on your end. If you use our services, you won't ever have to waste a day hanging around awaiting a response like you would with many other hosting providers.